Connecticut Science Teaching Association

" inspire, promote and support the learners of science in the state of Connecticut."

Since the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in November 2015, school districts around the state have adopted, adapted, or purchased science curriculum resources and participated in professional learning in support of NGSS. Researchers at the University of Connecticut (UConn) along with the State Science Leadership Team (SSLT) coordinated by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE), are conducting Two Qualtrics surveys of local district practices and needs related to the implementation of the state science standards. More specifically, among other factors, these surveys seek to learn more about:

● The time allocated for science instruction and prevalence of NGSS-aligned instruction.

● Which high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) are being used by schools/districts, how HQIM is being used and/or modified, and where gaps exist in the availability of HQIM across K-12

● The professional learning needs of educators in relation to the use of HQIM.

Please visit the following webpage(s) to help us better understand your needs as a science teacher OR as a Science Leader in your school or district. The Science Classroom Teacher Survey is designed for folks that are responsible for direct science instruction and should take no more than fifteen minutes to complete. The Science Leadership Survey is designed for people that work as a district or school science leader in your school or district and should not take more than twenty-five minutes to complete. The results of both surveys will help us better understand and respond to district, school and educator needs related to NGSS implementation. Please send this notification to any of your science colleagues who might be responsible for direct science instruction at any grade level or serve in a science leadership role in your school or district.

·        Classroom Teacher Survey:

·        Science Leadership Survey:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out to the CSDE K–12 Science Consultant, Dr. Ron Michaels or Dr. Todd Campbell at UConn. The Science Classroom Teacher Survey and Science Leadership Survey will be available until the end of March 2025. It is also being distributed by the Connecticut Science Teachers Association (CSTA) and the Connecticut Science Supervisors Association (CSSA).

Thank you in advance for your time and help in this important effort.

"Connecticut Science Teachers Association" is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 5, Middletown, CT 06457 Copyright 2016 

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