Linked below and intentionally appearing first are the reports and resulting standards that form the basis of the NGSS implementation efforts of the science educator community.
As little as five years ago, a web search for NGSS ideas would yield few results, now there are thousands. CSTA has attempted to screen and organize some of the best of these efforts. The sections organized below are intended to provide different entry points for transitioning to NGSS curriculum, instruction and assessment.
In the extensions of these sections we have endeavored to create a careful and organized selection of the more effective offerings. In short, we tried to do the the searching, skimming, close reading, evaluating and testing out you might do yourself if you had the time to spend. Our measuring stick for selection was our own collective expertise at the state, district, and classroom level but we include the link to the Equip rubric for individuals interested in conducting a more thorough vetting process themselves. As these resource are available on the web we have not limited there access. However, we encourage you to join your professional organization to take advantage of other member-only benefits at this link here.
I need some background information on three dimensional learning to get started with.
| ClassroomIām ready to try some instructional strategies with my current curriculum.
| Unit BuildingWe are creating new units. I need example templates and searchable collections of resources to build them with.